Another week over. Another week has past. Another week closer to whatever you are looking forward to!
And make sure you follow me on
1. They were being SUPER quiet and this is how I found them! So sweet. 2. Picking out colors for the front door. 3. New elliptical. Put it together myself! 4. Always in trouble. Caught them wetting their hair in the sink! |
1. It's easier that way. 2. My dress for the ball! 3. FINALLY! There is an end in sight! 4. WASH going up on the laundry room wall |
1. Purse for the ball. 2. Finished laundry room wall 3. She is growing up WAY too fast 4. Shoes for the ball. they are super high, I'm going to die. |
1. New pillow covers for the couch. 2. Please tell me everyone has a work space that looks like this. 3. Just a girl and her mutt. |
So, there you have it. It was a pretty slow week but it went by super fast!
See you all next week!
How exciting! Prayers for your family!